Descargar Libro: Cuba, La Restructuración [sic] De La Economía


Resumen del Libro

Important proposal to restructure Cubas economy into a more efficient system (by economist associated with Cubas Centro de Estudios sobre América (CEA)). Although the proposal contains some market-oriented mechanisms, it is framed within a socialist system and preserves a large role for the government. This modest proposal was too radical for the Cuban government. (Raúl Castro criticized the CEA as a fifth column working against the revolution in his March 1996 speech on revolutionary purity.) Cuban edition is out of print, a slightly updated version is available as Cuba, la restructuración de la economía, una propuesta para el debate (Caracas: Editorial Nueva Sociedad, 1997, 188 p.) –Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 57.

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