
Con Un Pie Dentro Y Otro Fuera


Resumen del Libro

Applying the theory of scholars such as Mary Poovey, Bridget Aldaraca, and Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar, I show that even though women characters in these novels do not leave the house to participate completely in public life, they start to exert control over their own lives and become more independent. Thus, I demonstrate that women writers portrayed their female characters as the initiators of political action with direct implications in the public sphere. Women characters also protest against the marginalized conditions of other social and ethnic groups. Female characters reinforce the need for a secular education for women, which can provide them with knowledge in the sciences and arts, and hence with means to become professionals. Women characters and their authors move between the private and the public spheres in order to make their voices heard. This was a real challenge for women in a century that witnessed many changes in social and political life, however, none of those changes aimed at providing women the rights of independence and full participation in the public sphere.

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