Anales De La Sociedad Científica Argentina
Biographies and bibliographies of members are included in many of the volumes. Lists of members are usually given on covers
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Biographies and bibliographies of members are included in many of the volumes. Lists of members are usually given on covers
Seguir leyendoBiographies and bibliographies of members are included in many of the volumes. Lists of members are usually given on covers
Seguir leyendoDesde Galileo hasta Feynman y Hawking, la física ha venido repitiendo la más paradójica de las negociaciones, la de la
Seguir leyendo«Si piensa usted -como yo creía- que la ciencia floreció en la antigua Grecia, entonces lea este libro de Dick
Seguir leyendoBiographies and bibliographies of members are included in many of the volumes. Lists of members are usually given on covers
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