Anales De La Sociedad Científica Argentina
Biographies and bibliographies of members are included in many of the volumes. Lists of members are usually given on covers
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Biographies and bibliographies of members are included in many of the volumes. Lists of members are usually given on covers
Seguir leyendoBiographies and bibliographies of members are included in many of the volumes. Lists of members are usually given on covers
Seguir leyendoRevista Electrónica y Servicio No. 150 presenta: Perfil tecnológico · El apagón analógico: La transición a la TV digital Servicio
Seguir leyendoEn el libro se analiza la dinámica territorial y las transformaciones socio-económicas de Durango y el Alto Ibaizabal, comarca central
Seguir leyendoVols. 10-13, 1910-26, comprise the following work: Noticias y documentos relativos á la historia y literatura españolas recogidos por d.
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