Anales De La Sociedad Científica Argentina
Biographies and bibliographies of members are included in many of the volumes. Lists of members are usually given on covers
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Biographies and bibliographies of members are included in many of the volumes. Lists of members are usually given on covers
Seguir leyendoBiographies and bibliographies of members are included in many of the volumes. Lists of members are usually given on covers
Seguir leyendoDurante casi 30 años, la Física para la Ciencia y la Tecnología de Paul A. Tipler ha sido una referencia
Seguir leyendoThe Actas of the Academy are included in the Anales. Those for 1861-1868, which have appeared only in part in
Seguir leyendoLa guerra civil en el mar ha sido poco contada en comparación con las batallas terrestres y aéreas. Y, sin
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