Anales De La Sociedad Científica Argentina
Biographies and bibliographies of members are included in many of the volumes. Lists of members are usually given on covers
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Biographies and bibliographies of members are included in many of the volumes. Lists of members are usually given on covers
Seguir leyendoAunque a simple vista parezcan disciplinas totalmente distintas, la Magia y las Matemáticas pueden llegar a ser complementarias. En los
Seguir leyendoAunque a simple vista parezcan disciplinas totalmente distintas, la magia y las matemáticas pueden llegar a ser complementarias. En los
Seguir leyendoThe Actas of the Academy are included in the Anales. Those for 1861-1868, which have appeared only in part in
Seguir leyendoThis book illustrates the element technology of plates and shells and compares and contrasts the behaviour of current plate and
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