
Autoayuda Libros

Remodelando Las Listas De Cosas Por Hacer

APRENDE: Por qué la mayoría de la gente NO consigue hacer las cosas ¿Creas listas de cosas por hacer que nunca se concretan? Es fácil comenzar cada día de trabajo con una larga lista de tareas. Entonces, algo inesperado surge. Lo siguiente que sabes es que el día ya casi ha terminado. Trabajas duro, a

Estrés En La Infancia

STRESS IN CHILDHOOD, Its prevention and treatment – Can one speak of stress in childhood? Under what conditions and situations does it take place? How is it overcome? In this book an attempt is made to give answer to these queries, accompanied by numerous examples picked from the authors wide experience, which with a clear

Mirar De Nuevo

Why do we refuse to accept the changes? Is it better to forget or remember? Can you be alone without feeling lonely? Why is it so difficult to say no ? Is there an antidote to fear? Reflecting on these and other questions, Demian invites us to look again to recognize reality and accept us

Potencia Tu Energia

E-Squared could best be described as a lab manual with simple experiments to prove once and for all that reality is malleable, that consciousness trumps matter, and that you shape your life with your mind. Rather than take it on faith, you are invited to conduct nine 48-hour experiments to prove there really is a