
Arquitectura Libros

Metodología Docente Del Proyecto Arquitectónico

Jornada de Innovación Docente celebrada en la Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura de la Universidad de Zaragoza el 16 de mayo de 2011. Experiencias docentes de académicos de prestigio nacional y de trayectoria contrastada como Antonio Juárez, Pere Joan Ravetllat y Cristina Gastón. Junto a ellos varios profesores encargados de la docencia de proyectos arquitectónicos

Haciendas De Morelos

Comprehensive study by a group of scholars explores the development, expansion, and economic impact of haciendas in the state of Morelos, especially those connected to the sugar industry. Illustrated with contemporary color photographs, 19th- and early-20th-century photographs, and maps. Also includes much archival data –Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.

Arquitectos Mexicanos

Celebrating Mexicos bright residential architecture from old palaces and lordly haciendas to homes and state-of-the-art apartment buildings, this book details how architects have managed to integrate and balance proportion, functionality, and materials in a variety of spaces. Highlighted is the idea that if one loses the concept of human scale, warmth is lost, spaces become