Descargar Libro: Argentina: El Espacio Urbano Y La Narrativa Filmica De Los Ultimos Anos

Resumen del Libro
Argentina: El espacio urbano y la narrativa filmica de los ultimos anos fills a void in the extant body of criticism on New Argentine Cinema of the 1980s and 1990s. While much as been done on the thematics and aesthetics of this body of work little has been produced in the way of studying the relationship between film form and urban process in the way Laura Podalsky does in her ground breaking study of a previous period in Specular City: Transforming Culture, Consumption and Space in Buenos Aires. More than just beginning where Podalsky ends, this work aims to provide with a more thorough on-going analysis of how the urban process in Buenos Aires influences the cartographic imaginary of a number of important film makers. Additionally, it draws together the work of important spatial theorists such as Jameson, Davis, Smith and especially Harvey. Moreover, it incorporates the concepts of film theorist David Bordwell to demonstrate how urban issues permeate the thematics and structure of the films that are analyzed.