Descargar Libro: Altas Capacidades En Niños Y Niñas


Resumen del Libro

HIGH CAPACITIES IN BOYS AND GIRLS. Detection, identification and integration in the school and in the family. The book presents and studies the basic and more important aspects of the personality of child-students with high capacities. These students present different and disconcerting characteristics, can show themselves to be reserved or talkative in the extreme, free to the extent of appearing undisciplined, indifferent or emotional, and creative and individualistic to avoid getting bored. The book includes an annex that offers several Questionnaires, for different ages, to facilitate detection, treatment and intervention of high capacities, from the evaluation of the family, the educator and the student himself. Their reading will facilitate to the faculty and the families a joint work, that is to say, the necessary cooperation of both, avoiding that boredom sets in their students and children, and attempting that they acquire a correct self-esteem and the capacity to self-manage their own capacities.

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