Descargar Libro: Algo De Lo Sagrado

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Poetry. Latino/Latina Studies. Translated from the Spanish by Kristin Dykstra and Roberto Tejada, featuring an essay by Kristin Dykstra. Omar Perez Lopez (1964-) was born in the city of Havana and has lived most of his life to date in Cuba. A former journalist, Perez has explored a wide array of literary genres, particularly poetry, translation, and the essay…At the center of SOMETHING OF THE SACRED is the exploration of displacement. Perez sees poetic metaphor as the subtle displacement of something objective…His apparent strangeness, particularly in his varied uses of Zen traditions, has prevented critics from grouping Perez very comfortably into movements with other writers in contemporary Cuba..Perez has been connected most frequently with Havanas Generation of the 80s. Raised under the auspices of the post-1959 Cuban government, this generation of writers had never experienced the islands earlier governmental or social system. Seen as the product of the Cuban social experiment accompanying the new government, they were raised to envision themselves as participants in a revolution of global resonance. By the 1980s, however, the most utopian elements of this vision had been complicated with a series of experiences suggesting the need for further critical thinking and reform –Kristin Dykstra.