
Robert C Atkins Libros

El Nuevo Libro De Cocina Dietetica Del Dr Atkins

Suculentas Recetas en un Abrir y Cerrar de Ojos Le presentamos el complemento perfecto al libro La Nueva Revolución Dietética del Dr. Atkins con suculentas recetas que podrán pasar de la estufa a su mesa en treinta minutos o incluso menos. Olvídese de la ensalada sin aderezo, o de las resecas pechugas de pollo sin

El Libro De Cocina Ilustrado De La Nueva Dieta Atkins

Full of satisfying, low-carbohydrate recipes made with fresh and delicious ingredients, this comprehensive collection of recipes and meal plans helps dieters adhere to one of the worlds most popular diets without counting calories. Dieters will learn to create dishes from creamy mushroom soup to chunky chocolate ice cream while maintaining their ideal weight for life.

La Nueva Revolución Dietética

A thorough introduction to the weight-loss diet that has swept the nation outlines the science behind, and the practice of, Dr. Atkinss diet, which is extremely low in carbohydrates, helps to regulate insulin production, and decreases circulating insulin.