
Mary Mcvey Gill Libros

Spanish In Your Face!

A face is worth 1,001 Spanish words Is this man calmado or ansioso? Relajado or estresado? You can easily see by the look on his face that he is stressed out: ansioso and estresado. Using the stories that our faces, appearance, and gestures tell, Spanish in Your Face helps you learn and remember essential Spanish

Cinema For Spanish Conversation

Cinema for Spanish Conversation, Fourth Edition, engages students in Spanish-language study through the use of feature films from across the Spanish-speaking world. Sixteen films, four new to this edition, motivates students in conversation, writing, and listening skills in addition to providing them with a broad and real-world experience with the culture of the Spanish-speaking world.

The Red Hot Book Of Spanish Slang

If someone called you tragaldabas would you be insulted or flattered? If you shouted íMota! in the street, would you expected to get a cab or get arrested? Thanks to The Red-Hot Book of Spanish Slang and Idioms, youll always know your tejemaneje (schem