
Laura Stack Libros

Tackling Timewasters

Do you have a case of the got-a-minutes? Can you say no to improper requests? Do you know how to recognize a timewaster when you see one? Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, is ready to help you recognize timewasters and eliminate them from your day. Laura will help you: • Learn to say no when

Controlling Your Day In An Uncontrollable World

Do you plan your life as carefully as you plan your vacations? Do you manage your time as well as you manage your money? Do you miss deadlines, stay up late at night, and encounter stress, crisis, and overload? Bestselling author Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, will show you how to effectively manage your time

Becoming Self Disciplined

Are you persistent in completing your high priority tasks without getting sidelined by menial activities? Do you work hard every day or only when youre in the mood? Do you have a set of rules for yourself that govern your behavior and activity? In this eBook, Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, will teach you how

Emptying Your Inbox

Is your email your to-do list? Is it really keeping you organized? Technology CAN increase your productivity, if you use best practices for email. Bestselling author Laura Stack, The Productivity Pro, will guide you through the 12 Best Practices for Handling Email so that your inbox becomes your friend. With these strategies, you’ll learn to: