
Julianna Baggott Libros

Cupula Iii, La. Resistencia

Partridge has assumed leadership of the Dome, one of the few refuges from the ravaged wastelands of the outside world. At first, Partridge is intent on exposing his fathers lies and uniting its citizens with the disfigured Wretches on the outside. But from his position of power, things are far more complex and potentially dangerous

Cupula I, La. Puros

Pressia barely remembers the Detonations. In her sleeping cabinet of an old barbershop where she lives with her grandfather, she thinks about how the world changed. Now, at an age when everyone is required to turn to the militia to be trained as a soldier or, if they are too damaged and weak, to be

Cupula Ii, La. Fusion

Book 2 of the Pure Trilogy We want our son returned. This girl is proof that we can save you all. If you ignore our plea, we will kill our hostages one at a time. To save millions, Partridge must face his most terrifying challenge. And Pressia must travel where no map can guide her.

Antes De Ti

Esta ingeniosa novela epistolar empieza con dos extraños metiéndose mano en el guardarropía de la recepción de bodas de unos amigos y acaba con el principio de una relación. Jane y John, treintañeros ambos, mantienen un intercambio de confesiones a la que se han comprometido antes de rendirse a la lujuria. Hablan de sus experiencias