
Joaquin Sabina Libros

Sabina En Carne Viva

These sincere, sometimes shocking, and always insightful essays finally strip Joaquín Sabina bare and disclose the man behind the legend. Without ignoring any details, this biography recounts the fame, music, drugs, sex, alcohol, politics, women, and loves of his life.

Esta Boca Es Mía

En estos versos que Joaquín Sabina nos presenta en forma de libro está el ruido de la calle y de la actualidad. Recuperando la mejor tradición satírica española, nos ofrece un retrato punzante, divertido, demoledor y muy personal del mundo de hoy. Joaquín Sabina nos ha regalado su visión granuja del mundo a través de

Romper Una Canción

Benjamín Prado paints an intimate portrait of Joaquín Sabina, an iconic figure in Spanish pop music today. This is the story of a shared passion, a gamble on friendship and dreams, and a toast to love and hope. It is also the diary of a passionate traveler and an itinerary for dreamers. It is a