
Revisión Crítica De La Clase De Las Preposiciones. Intento De Sistematización


Resumen del Libro

Tesis de Maestría del año 2012 en eltema Romanística – Español, literatura, cultura general, Université de Douala, Idioma: Español, Resumen: In this investigation, we study spanish prepositions and what is generally said about them. Before, prepositions were considered as a part of the class of conjunctions. Finally, Dionisio de Tracia was who made independents prepositions as a class of words. From then on, they became a subject of study. In their description, they have three mains characteristics: the preposition as connecting element, subordinator and transpositor element. The class of preposition is considered as a closed class. It has a number of elements relatively fixed, and sometimes, some of them are discussed. Studying the prepositions syntax, we draw the following conclusions: postponed prepositions don’t exist, elements of different classes, not only substantives, can be term of preposition, the preposition by itself cannot be regent in any sequence, the sylleptic construction enriches the language, so that it shouldn’t be reprimanded, the prepositional syntagm has some nucleus different from the one of the nominal syntagm. The subject function is incompatible with preposition, the grouped prepositions don’t exist, but prepositional constructions can be introduced by other preposition, inseparable prepositions are simply prefix or suffix. We classified them into strong and weak. Into the weak ones, there are simple and complex forms. A veritable preposition should sum the following characteristics: be invariable, always goes before, be transpositor, free morpheme and not accentuated.

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