
Quisiera Tener Lentes Como Rosa


Resumen del Libro

The I Wish series (I Wish I Was Tall Like Willie, I Wish I Was Strong Like Manuel, I Wish I Had Glasses Like Rosa, I Wish I Had Freckles Like Abby) explores the issues of selfÐesteem, selfÐacceptance and friendship for children. Kids are reminded to like themselves Òjust the way they are!Ó through humorous situations and outlandish schemes. I Wish I Had Glasses Like Rosa Abby concocts comical and innovative strategies to get glasses. She thinks glasses make her best friend Rosa look beautiful. In the quest to have glasses like Rosa, Abby invents a multitude of ingenious ways to getting the glasses she so dearly desires. What one person might dislike about themselves may be just the thing that someone else would envy. Abby grows in appreciation of her own uniqueness.

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