
La Mano Que Escribe


Resumen del Libro

LA MANO QUE ESCRIBE: Literatura, arte y pensamiento FIRST NATIONAL ESSAY AWARD 2008 OF THE PEN CLUB OF PUERTO RICO BY: ZOÉ JIMÉNEZ CORRETJER THE HAND THAT WRITES: Literature, Art and Thought This collection of essays include studies from medieval to contemporary literature in Spain and the Americas. Topics are focused in a philosophical, symbolical, and anthropological perspectives. Some essays cover the history of women philosophers, language and linguistics, sephardic studies, aesthetics, medieval misticism, and feminism… The title of the book was inspired by the special object named The Hand That Writes, studied by the author at the Museum of the History of Science in Florence, Italy. This object is an automated clock and machine made in XVIII century by Frederick Von Knaus. The philosophical idea of an automatic hand is the main subject and inspiration of this book, since it is a symbolic representation of all the writers analized in it. Some of the writers or creators mentioned in this study are: Frederick Von Knaus, Saint John of the Cross, Antonio Enriquez Gomez, Cervantes, Mateo Aleman, Maria de Zayas, Fernan Gonzalez de Eslava, Emilia Pardo Bazan, Merce Rodoreda, Cristina Peri Rossi, Elena Garro, Rosario Ferre, Magali Garcia Ramis, Francisco Matos Paoli, Mercedes Lopez Baralt, Ivan Silen and Jose Santos. LA MANO QUE ESCRIBE es un libro que recoge distintas perspectivas del saber literario. La autora expone aquí una variedad de temas, dominio del análisis crítico y del lenguaje, conocimiento humanístico, capacidad teórica, relaciones entre disciplinas, historia, ciencia,arte y filosofía, entre otras. Es además, un catálogo de temas universales, un despliegue de ideas, una colección de intereses esenciales. La mano que escribe es una manifestación filosófica sobre la naturaleza de aquellos que escriben. Es un homenaje crítico al ser, al demiurgo, a todo autor que crea con la conciencia de la razón. Es un reconocimiento sobre el arte de la…

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